
Terms of Use

Thank you very much for using the services provided by Co., Ltd karasawa nouki service 「parts list list Ordering Service」 (hereinafter, “we/our/us”) (hereinafter, “the Service”). Users are kindly requested to follow the Terms of Use when using the Service.

1. User registration

User registration will be completed when we approve an application for registration by an applicant. We may not approve an application for registration if we judge it inappropriate; for example, the applicant violated the Terms of Use in the past. We will not disclose reasons for rejection.

2. Management of user name

Users should manage their user names and passwords for the Service under their responsibility. Do not let others know your password to protect your user name.
Users must not assign or lend their user names or passwords to a third party. If a combination of a user name with a password corresponds to the registered data in logging in, we will regard it as being used by the user who registered the user name. If you find unauthorized use of your user name, promptly report to us.

3. Use of the Service

Users must not commit wrongdoing in use of the Service, for example, destroying or disturbing functions of our servers/networks. If we judge any act of a user a wrongdoing, we may restrict the user’s use of the Service or terminate the user’s registration without prior notice. In this case, we shall bear no liability for any damages the user incurs arising from the restricted use and the like.

4. Charge and payment

  1. Users shall pay to us the charge that we define and display on the website in exchange for the use of the Service, by the methods specified by us. We will not refund the usage charge for any reason once we receive it.
  2. If the User does not respond to inquiries from the Company within 14 days, the Application shall expire. In this case, the application fee will not be refunded.

5. Service Details

  1. Based on the application information for the service, we will investigate compatible parts list list. After the investigation is completed, we will issue a product confirmation letter to the user.If the user pays the price stated in the product confirmation, it shall be deemed that the user has accepted the product confirmation.After acceptance, the product cannot be changed or canceled.In addition, if we are unable to ship a conforming product, we will notify you to that effect.
  2. We will ship the product to the address entered in the application information for the service.
  3. The goods shall be shipped in the condition in which they were shipped by the manufacturer. Depending on the product, assembly work by the user is required.
  4. The user agrees that additional payment may be required due to changes in the price of the manufacturer and the carrier.
  5. If, as a result of our investigation, we cannot find a suitable part, this service will be terminated. Even in this case, the application fee will not be refunded.

6. Payment

Payment for the Service shall be made in U.S. dollars in the manner specified by us.

7. Revocation of application

If the user does not pay the price within 14 days of issuing the product confirmation, the application for this service shall expire.In this case, We will not refund the Application Fee once it has been received for any reason.

8. Refund

  1. We will refund the price to the user only if it is determined that any of the following applies.
    1. When the product is different from the product described in the product confirmation form
    2. When a defect occurs in the product due to our intention or negligence
  2. The user shall inspect the type and condition of the product within 7 days of receipt of the product. If the same date passes, it will be deemed to have passed and the price will not be refunded thereafter.

9. Burden of risk

The burden of risk is transferred to the user when the product is handed over from the Company to the business operator responsible for delivery.

10. Delays in shipping and transportation

The user uses this service with the understanding that shipping may be delayed due to the availability of the product, and that the scheduled delivery date may be delayed due to transportation reasons.

11. Suspension of the provision of this service

In the event that a user falls under any of the following reasons,We may suspend the use of this service without notifying the user in advance.The user agrees that the price cannot be refunded even in this case.

  1. In the event that the user violates this agreement
  2. When the delivery of the product is not completed due to an unknown delivery address or a long-term absence
  3. In addition, when it is recognized that the relationship of trust between us and the user has been damaged.

12. Protection of personal information

Our privacy policy describes how we handle users’ personal information. Prior to use of the Service, you must agree that we use users’ personal information in accordance with the privacy policy.

13. Assignment

Neither Party may assign any portion of its right or delegate any portion of its obligations under this Agreement to a third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.

14. Discontinuation of the Service

We may discontinue or halt the provision of the Service without prior notice to users if we judge it is difficult to provide the Service, for example, when carrying out maintenance and inspection or updating the computer system relating to the Service. We accept no liability for disadvantage or damage a user or a third party incurs arising the discontinued or halted provision of the Service irrespective of the reason.

15. Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability

We pay reasonable attention when providing the Service. However, we do not guarantee that there are no factual or legal defects in the Service (including deficiencies relating to safety, reliability, accuracy, integrity, efficacy, compatibility with specific purposes, security; errors; bugs; infringement of rights).
We bear no liability for any damages users incur through the Service except in cases of intentional or gross negligence. Even if we are legally liable, we bear no liability for damages arising from special circumstances.

16. Changes in details of the Service and/or Terms of Use

  1. Due to continuous changes and improvements of the Service, we may delete posted data, change details or conditions of use of the Service, or discontinue the provision of the Service without notice to users. We shall bear no liability for damage the user incurs arising from any of the cases above.
    We reserve the right to modify the Terms of Use without requiring individual user consent in the following cases
    1. If the modification of the Terms of Use conforms to the general interest of the users.
    2. If the modification of the Terms of Use is not contrary to the purpose of this agreement , and it is reasonable in light of the necessity of the modification, reasonableness of the modified content, and other circumstances pertaining to the modification.
  2. When modifying the Terms of Use, we will notify users in advance of the modification, the contents of the modified Terms of Service, and the effective date of the modification.

17. Notice or contact

  1. We give notice to and make contact with users by methods specified by us.
  2. Unless the user notifies the user of a change in the contact information in accordance with the method separately specified by the Company, the Company will assume that the currently registered contact information is valid and notify or contact the contact information, and these will be deemed to have reached the user at the time of transmission.

18. Exclusion of Anti Social Forces

  1. "Anti Social Forces" means:
    1. an organized crime group, a member of an organized crime group, a related company or association of an organized crime group, and any other equivalent person of above; or
    2. a person who themselves or through the use of third parties conducts a demand with violence, an unreasonable demand beyond its legal entitlement, use of intimidating words or actions, damages the credit or obstructs the business of the other party by spreading false rumors or by the use of fraudulent, or any other equivalent actions of above.
  2. Each party represents and warrants that is not a person who has fallen and shall not fall under any of the followings:
    1. the Anti Social Forces;
    2. a person having such relationship with the Anti Social Forces that shows the Anti Social Forces' substantial involvement in the person's management;
    3. a person having such relationship with the Anti Social Forces that shows reliance on the Anti Social Forces;
    4. a person who cooperate and is involved with the maintenance or operation of any Anti social Forces by providing funding to any Anti Social Forces or any similar act; or
    5. a person who is engaged in socially condemnable relationship with the Anti Social Forces.
  3. Each party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and request for the damages without any notice and any and all obligations of the party owed to the other party shall become due and payable and the other party shall immediately repay such obligations, if the other party breached the representations and warranties in the preceding clause.

19. Governing law and jurisdiction

  1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. The parties shall exclude the application of the Vienna Sales Convention in its entirety.
  2. In the event of any disputes arising from the Service, Nagano District Court or Ueda Summary Court shall have an agreed exclusive jurisdiction.

Established on October 2024/5/21

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